J516 Mahākapi Jātaka



绘图/ Ken Chee
设计/ Ken Chee、王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

The Monkey and the Ungrateful Farmer

Jātaka 516: Mahākapi Jātaka
A farmer lost his way while looking for his lost bull. He fell into a ravine and was saved by a monkey. This man tried to kill his lifesaver…

Illustrated by Ken Chee
Designed by Ken Chee, Ong Chong Sai
Chinese retold by Zi Zai Ju
Translated by Joanne Soo
Proofread by Chan Zhi Hong

迦尸国(Kāsi)的国王” —— 一时,导师佛陀在竹林精舍(Veḷuvana)时,开示关于提婆达多向他投掷石头的事故。当时,比丘众谴责提婆达多促弓箭手射击导师,随后又亲手向导师投掷石头。
A king of Kāsi.” —— At one time, when Buddha, the Teacher, was living at Bamboo Wood (Veḷuvana), he gave this Dhamma talk about how Devadatta once threw a stone at him. At that time, the bhikkhus blamed Devadatta for asking the archer to shoot the Teacher and then throwing a stone at the Teacher himself.

The Teacher said: “It has not only been in this life where Devadatta threw a stone at me. He has thrown a stone at me in a previous life.” The bhikkhus begged the Teacher to explain to them, so the Teacher spoke the hidden cause.


在过去,当梵授王(Brahmadatta)在波罗奈城 (Bārāṇasī) 治理国家时,迦尸迦(Kāsika)村有一位农夫婆罗门。
In the past, when King Brahmadatta was ruling in Bārāṇasī, there lived a farmer in a small village called Kāsika.

After a long day at work, the farmer untied the bull’s rope and continued to work with his hoe.

While munching the leaves of the short trees, the bull slowly escaped into the forest.

Discovering that it was late, the farmer laid aside his hoe to look for his bull. However, when he couldn’t find his bull, he was dejected.

He went into the forest to look for the bull, and as he walked, he entered the Himalaya Mountains.

At that time, all kinds of elephants came out in the wild forest and the beasts started to wander around at night.

The farmer lost his way and could not find his way out of the forest.

The farmer was lost for seven days and did not know what to do. He was very hungry and thirsty. He was also very upset. He hoped he could find some fruits to eat.

Then, he saw a tinduka tree, standing upright in the forest. He first ate the fruits that had fallen on the ground but he was still not full.

So, he climbed up the tree to eat the fruits on the tree.

After eating a fruit, he wanted to have more. The branch he was sitting on broke, as if someone had cut it with an axe. However, he could not find a branch to hold on to. He slipped and fell into a ravine that was sixty-cubit deep.

The ravine was filled with lots of water and was very deep. Luckily, he did not die, but was instead trapped for ten long nights.

During this life, the Bodhisatta was born in the form of a monkey. He had a strong oxen-like tail and he lived in a cave.

One day, he was swinging from branch to branch, eating fruits, when he saw the farmer.

The farmer was thin and the Bodhisatta took pity on him. The Bodhisatta asked, “Are you a human or a non-human?”

The farmer put his palms together on his chest and answered, “I’m a human. I fell accidentally into this ravine and I cannot get out. Great being, you are the only one who can help me.”

The monkey picked a heavy rock and stepped on the rock.

Then, he said, “You climb on my back and hold on to my neck. I will get you up from this ravine.”

The farmer happily followed the monkey’s instructions. He climbed up to the monkey’s back and hold onto his neck.

No man’s power was better than the monkey who kept trying. The monkey quickly pulled the farmer up from the ravine.

The monkey then said, “Dear brahmin, please keep watch for me. I am very tired and I wish to sleep. We must be careful of the lions, tigers, leopards and bears. They will kill us any time.”

猴子睡着了。农夫刚开始不为意,可是后来突然生起了邪念 ——“猴子肉就如鹿肉一样好吃,我要吃掉这只猴子,把它杀了来充饥。吃了之后,还可以把多余的肉带在身上作为路途中的食物。我会越过这些艰难的道路,离开这里。”
The monkey took a nap. The man didn’t have bad intention at first but then, he suddenly had an evil thought, “A monkey’s meat is as delicious as a deer’s meat; I want to eat this monkey. I’ll kill him so I won’t be hungry. After eating him, I’ll bring the extra meat as food on the way. I’ll cross the hard roads and leave this place.”

So, when the monkey was sleeping, the man took a stone and hit the monkey’s head.

Luckily, his hands were weak and the weak blow did not kill the monkey.

此时,猴子满头鲜血淋漓,它意识到农夫想干什么。猴子即刻起身跃到树上,泪眼盈盈地对农夫说: --
At that time, the monkey’s head was dripping in blood, and knew what this man had tried to do. The monkey quickly climbed up the tree. His eyes were filled with tears. He said,

“Good sir, please don’t do this. But you, venerable sir, have done so!
Instead, as a human with a long-life, you should prevent others from doing so.
Alas! O man! Such a difficult task it is to lift you from such an inaccessible difficult cliff.”

“I saved you from the ravine but you have an evil heart. It is normal that evil people will do evil things.”

He then proceeded to pray for the sake of the farmer, “O evil-doer, may you not suffer the terrible pain I am suffering now. May you not be destroyed like how the fruit of a bamboo destroyed the bamboo.”

So, the monkey treated him with compassion just like how he treated his son. The monkey then continued to make a powerful and bold statement, “I don’t trust you anymore. Your thoughts are evil and you do not stop yourself from doing evil things. I’ll walk on the tree and you’ll follow me on the ground. I’ll show you the way out of the forest.”

The Bodhisatta then helped the farmer to escape from the forest and brought him to the road of men.

“Evil-doer, you are now far from the beasts and on the road of men. Just go down this road.”

After saying that, the Bodhisatta jumped into the lake to clean the blood on his head. He wiped away his tears and disappeared into the forest.

After being reprimanded by the Great Being, the farmer suddenly felt very hot. In fact, his entire body was very hot.

He went near the lake and wanted to drink some water. The water was as hot as the sun and as red as the blood.

His whole body changed. He had blisters full of pus and blood on his body. When the water from the lake dropped on his body, blisters as big as tangerines grew on his body. When the blisters broke, pus and blood flowed out of the blisters. His body was very smelly.

When he arrived at every small village and town, the people blocked him with sticks and said, “You are very smelly; don’t come to our place.”

Because of the man’s evil doings towards the Bodhisatta, kamma took its turn in his life. He had leprosy (skin disease) and became like a hungry ghost in the human form.

He suffered for seven years, walking from place to place until he came to Migacīra Park, in Benares. Still in great pain, he spread some leaves on the ground and lay down.

At that time, the territory of Kāsi was expanding. The king was strolling in the park with his men.

The king saw the man who was suffering from leprosy. The man’s skin had white spots and blisters. He was very thin and looked very pitiful.

When the king saw his pitiful look, the king asked in horror, “What yakkha (ogre) are you?”

“Your hands and feet are white. Your head is even whiter. Your body is full of blisters. You have many diseases. Your body is hunched. There are nodules in your hands and feet. I’ve not seen someone like you in this world.”

“You’re covered with dust. You’re very thin and your feet are trembling. You’re so hungry until your body is out of shape. Where do you come from?”

“You look ugly. Your body and face are scary. Your mother will not wish to see you like this. What bad kamma have you created in the past? Who have you killed for no reason? What evil things have you done to suffer like this?”

Then the man said, “Great king, I’ll tell you the truth. A good man should speak the truth. A man who speaks the truth is praised by the sages.” He told the king his story.

“I have suffered for seven years. This is the result of my evil doings. Let me tell all of you who have gathered here today: People who lie and hurt their friends will get skin disease and be reborn in hell after they die.”

As the man was telling his story to the king, the ground suddenly opened. He died immediately and went to Hell.

The king, who saw what had happened, left the park and walked into the city.


The Dhamma lesson ended and the Teacher said, “Bhikkhus, Devadatta did not only throw a stone at me now, but in the past too.”

Then, the Teacher connected the previous birth with the present as follows, “At that time, Devadatta was the one who betrayed his friend, and I myself was the monkey king.”





二 、你从猴子身上学到了什么?
三 、如果有人伤害你(打你或骂你等等),你会怎么做?
四 、如果你是猴子,你被农夫伤害时,你的感受如何?
五 、在日常生活中,因帮助他人却被对方有意或无意地伤害,我们一般会如何回应?
六 、在这本生故事中,菩萨被农夫伤害时,他的反应是什么?
七 、试讨论,是什么正见让他(菩萨)如此反应或回应?



悲心 (karuṇā) 的意思是对不幸和苦难的众生生起悲心、怜悯心和同情心,想要解除和减轻他人痛苦的愿望。

· 当一个人看到他人受苦,若他为此感到焦虑或担心;他想帮助受苦的人却做不到或做不好,他为此感到不安或伤心,这些都不是真正的悲心,是属于悲伤和忧愁的不善心。

· 是极大的同情心,没有分别心地把悲心扩及一切有情众生,就像父母怜悯自己受苦受难的孩子一样。

· 具有悲心的人不会有这样的想法:“只有别人是好人,并对我好时,我才会以好回报。”相反地,菩萨的态度是 ——无论别人是友善还是不友善,我只会以善心回报。”

· 佛陀和菩萨的大悲心建立在因果正见。这种大悲心的美德,不是菩萨成为佛陀后才拥有的素质,而是佛陀还没成佛之前,即还是菩萨时就已经开始培育的良好性格。

· 故事中的菩萨(猴子)被伤害时,它如何做?它懂得保护好自己而跳上树,避免让农夫再伤害它。菩萨如此做是因为伤害一个有美德的众生,后果会是很严重的。然后,猴子再训斥农夫并带领它离开危险的森林。


Teacher’s Guide

Wisdom Questions:

Origin of the Teaching
1. What caused the Buddha to tell this past life story?

Great Compassion
2. What did you learn from the monkey?
3. What would you do if someone hurt you (hit you or scolded you etc.)?
4. If you were the monkey, how would you feel when you were hurt by the farmer?
5. In our daily life, how do we usually react when we are hurt intentionally or unintentionally by those we have helped?
6. What was the reaction of the Bodhisatta in this Jātaka story when he was hurt by the farmer?
7. Discuss the Right View that led him (the Bodhisatta) to respond the way he did.

Right View about Kamma
8. If you were the king, what would the farmer’s experience mean to you?


Great Compassion
Compassion (karuṇā) refers to a state of mind that is kind, considerate and empathetic; that desires to relieve and alleviate the suffering of other beings.

1. False Compassion (sadness disguised as compassion)
· If a person is anxious or worried when seeing the suffering of another, wants to help but feels powerless or is unable to provide appropriate relief, if he feels upset or sad about the situation, this is not compassion; it is merely an unwholesome state of mind of sadness or sorrow.

2. True Compassion
· It is the great sympathy to all sentient beings without discrimination; in the way parents unconditionally take care of their children who are in pain.

· A compassionate person does not have the idea that, “When the other person is good and kind to me, then I will respond with kindness.” Instead, Bodhisatta’s attitude is— whether the other person is good or bad, I will still respond with kindness.

· The great compassion of the Buddhas or Bodhisattas is based on the Right View of Kamma. The virtue of great compassion is not a quality acquired only when one becomes a Buddha; but a wholesome trait that the Buddha cultivated before He became a Buddha, that is, when He was a Bodhisatta.

· What did the Bodhisatta (monkey) in the story do after it was hurt by the farmer? It knew to protect itself by climbing up a tree to avoid further injury from the farmer. The Bodhisatta did this as there are terrible consequences for those who harm a virtuous person. The monkey then rebuked the farmer before leading the farmer out of the forest.

Right View about Kamma
When we feel pain or pleasure from others’ treatment, we are merely experiencing the consequences of our kamma. If due to bad kamma and we respond in an unwholesome manner, then new cause of bad kamma will be created. Conversely, if we respond with kindness, this not only eliminates previous (bad) kamma but also creates new good kamma. Eliminating unwholesome kamma is like discarding garbage; and planting new, wholesome kamma is akin to mining gold.


省思 Reflection


We should not forget the kindness others have shown us,
But instead, always have a heart of gratitude and repay the kindness;
Even if someone has an evil mind and performs evil deeds,
Our wholesome mind must remain.
